Welcome to #TransTuesday! It’s time for this installment of Tillyvision to come to a close, as we wrap up THE INTENTIONAL (!) TRANS ALLEGORY OF BARBIE (the movie), PART 8! Self-actualization is at hand! Things are gonna get emo.

One last time, PART 1.

And PART 2.

Our old friend PART 3.

Our other old friend PART 4.

That little scamp PART 5.

Our good buddy PART 6.

And the lovely PART 7.

1:39:59 – Barbie: “I’m not in love with Ken.” I’m not a man. CEO: “What do you want?” Then who are you? Barbie: “I don’t know. I’m not really sure where I belong anymore. I don’t think I have an ending.” I’m not the stereotype society says I have to be, to be a woman…

If she wants to figure this out, you know what she has to do. Who she has to listen to, and connect with. And it’s even telegraphed right in her earth tone costume… look at her necklace. She needs to listen to her HEART. And so who shows up right on cue?

Barbie in her yellow dress, wearing a gold necklace with a heart pendant.

1:40:20 – Ruth: “That was always the point. I created you so you wouldn’t have an ending.” Transition ISN’T an ending, it’s a beginning. A starting point. The heart knows that. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear Billie Eilish’s “What Was I Made For?” start as Ruth is first seen. 

Ruth, dressed in royal blue, approaches Barbie.

Ruth: “Nobody looks like Barbie, except of course, Barbie. Take a bow, honey.” Barbie: “I don’t really feel like Barbie anymore.” Nobody looks like you except you, be who you are. But she doesn’t know who that is.

1:41:33 – Ken waving goodbye in his “I am Kenough” hoodie. “Thank you, Barbie. Thank you.” She’s leaving him behind for good, and don’t miss the importance of his hoodie. She can put the false male simulacra to rest now because she is (K)ENOUGH.

Ken waves goodbye in his pink, blue, and yellow “I am Kenough.” hoodie.

See how it’s PINK AND BLUE but also with EARTH TONES from the yellow? The truth of transness has been accepted, and could only be achieved by realizing you do not have to conform to ANYONE ELSE’S IDEA of what a woman is, or what being trans is.

You DON’T have to be society’s idea of a stereotypical woman to transition. You don’t have to be on HRT or get surgeries to be trans. You’re trans if you say you are, and you are enough. See the trans tuesday on TRANS DAY OF VISIBILITY (yes you are trans enough).

“What Was I Made For?” continues on under Ruth and Barbie talking, and it’ll rip your heart right out if you let it. Especially when you pair it with Barbie’s realization, both in the surface-level feminist story AND in the trans allegory, that she needs to transition and live a real life.

I used to float, now I just fall down
I used to know but I’m not sure now
What I was made for

I’m not the cis guy I thought I was, that everyone said I was. What does that mean? Who am I?

Takin’ a drive, I was an ideal
Looked so alive, turns out I’m not real
Just something you paid for
What was I made for?

The only woman I thought I could be was a shallow stereotype, and that’s not me. So what does THAT mean? Who AM I?

‘Cause I, I
I don’t know how to feel
But I wanna try
I don’t know how to feel
But someday, I might
Someday, I might

Is there a life outside of dysphoria and dissociation? Where I can feel things to the fullest, experience all life has to offer?

When did it end? All the enjoyment
I’m sad again, don’t tell my boyfriend
It’s not what he’s made for
What was I made for?

The cis male shell was only made because it was expected to be there, and it covered and hid my sadness, and my truth. But I’m not him? WHO AM I?

Think I forgot how to be happy
Something I’m not, but something I can be
Something I wait for
Something I’m made for
Something I’m made for

There has to be more to life than this. I CAN figure out who I am, and be the real me.

Watch those colors swirling as they walk, which is actually a really magnificent metaphor for what goes on in your head in those moments before you choose to transition. Listen to what’s being said when royal blue shows up, when pink shows up, when earth tones show up.

1:41:49 – Barbie: “I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do now. I’ve always just been stereotypical Barbie, and I don’t think I’m really good at anything else.” I spent my life trying to be someone I’m not, and I don’t know how to be who I am.

Ruth: “You saved Barbie Land from patriarchy.” Hey, you figured out you weren’t a dude, that’s huge.

Barbie: “That was a group effort.” COMMUNITY. By seeing others who’ve done it before us, we believe we can do it too. We help each other get there. Nobody has to do it alone.

Ruth: “And you helped that mother and daughter connect.” Barbie: “They helped each other.” This reads a WHOLE LOT like the moment from MATRIX RELOADED where The Kid tells Neo, “You saved me.” And Neo replies, “You saved yourself.”

But if Sasha and Gloria are just aspects of Barbie, the inner child she didn’t get to be and the inner woman she wants to be, SHE SAVED HERSELF. And this is also a direct MATRIX connection, which I’ve mentioned before. She is “The One.”

“The One” we’ve been waiting to save us… is US. Ourselves. WE CAN SAVE OURSELVES FROM A LIFE OF MISERY BY CHOOSING TO TRANSITION. YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for.

1:42:24 – Ruth: “You understand that humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever, humans not so much. You know that right?” Barbie: “I do.” It’s gonna be rough, it’s not all rainbows and happiness. Cis society is gonna make it a struggle. We choose to do it anyway.

Ruth: “Being a human can be pretty uncomfortable.” Barbie: “I know.” Ruth: “Humans make things up, like patriarchy and Barbie, just to deal with how uncomfortable it is.” Barbie: “I understand that.” Ruth: “And then you die.” Barbie laughs. “Yeah.”

There’s no telling how far you’ll get. There’s no telling WHAT you’ll get from transition. It’s different for everyone. You DO NOT KNOW where you’ll end up, or if that’s where you’ll want to be, and if it will help as much as you want it to. We choose to do it anyway, and hope.

Because it’s still so much better than the alternative.

1:43:06 – Barbie: “I want to be a part of the people that make meaning. Not the thing that’s made.” She wants to make herself, choose to transition and be real, and not live being who society said she had to be. 

Barbie: “Do you give me permission to become human?” Ruth: “You don’t need my permission.” Barbie: “But you’re the creator. You… don’t you control me?” 

Ruth: “I can’t control you any more than I can control my own daughter. I named you after her. ‘Barbara.’” Her heart, after her subconscious, is the next to not call her “Barbie.” It knows. It’s telling her what her true name is.

Ruth: “And I always hoped for you like I hoped for her. We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they’ve come.”

Our hearts make us who we are, but they can’t force us to listen. Like Barbie with Ruth, like Neo with the Oracle, we can only hear what they have to say when we’re ready to listen. You can’t rush it, you can’t force it. But when you’re ready, it’s there to guide you.

Barbie’s crying. “So being human’s not something I need to… ask for, or even want? I can just… it’s something that I just discover I am?” DO YOU SEE HOW TRANS THIS IS??!?

You do NOT need anyone’s permission to be transgender, or to transition! It’s something you DISCOVER ABOUT YOURSELF and then choose to do something about! 

Ruth: “I can’t in good conscience let you take this leap without you knowing what it means. Take my hands.” AGAIN we go back to “taking the leap” like in the MATRIX films, where FLIGHT symbolizes the gender euphoria you can find during and after transition.

NONE OF US know if we’re going to find it, or how often, or how easily. But we hope it’s out there, waiting to help us break free.

1:44:30 – Barbie takes Ruth’s hands. She’s embracing her heart!

Ruth: “Now close your eyes. Now feel.”

Ruth takes Barbie’s hands in the white void.

1:44:55 – Barbie is truly feeling the world for the first time. Existing as herself, her TRUE self for the first time. Listening to her heart, feeling her heart, becoming one with her heart. And so you get another shot of her golden heart necklace.

A closeup of Barbie’s gold heart necklace resting on the skin of her chest.

And then Barbie truly understands all the beautiful, strange, amazing, weird, wonderful ways women can be. She can be any of them. She is part of them, and always has been. She is a woman, and always has been.

1:45:58 – Barbie is alone in the void. The colors are gone, her mind is clear. With a tear, she takes the leap, she makes the decision. She WILL transition and become who she’s always been. “Yes.”

Barbie standing alone, very small and off in the distance of the massive white void.

1:45:25 Barbie’s in the real world in Gloria’s ROYAL BLUE car, she is again CONNECTED to the woman inside. Barbie IN IS EARTH TONES. This is real. This is the truth. “Thanks for the lift.” Look at her REAL SMILE, for the FIRST TIME.

Barbie, in a tan blazer, sitting in the back seat next to Sasha, who wears a pink top under a gray hoodie.

Sasha’s in PINK because Barbie knows she can’t be the girl she didn’t get to be, and has to let her go. But the TRUTH is she CAN still be the woman inside, so peep that EARTH TONE green on Gloria’s top.

Gloria looking to the back seat from the diver’s seat, wearing a white top with green stripes.

1:45:51 – Barbie’s wearing the Birkenstocks Weird Barbie showed her, confirming she’s taken the red pill and chosen to transition. But they’re not brown, they’re PINK! But it’s an EARTHY PINK. WHAT DOES IT MEAN, TILLY? C’mon, you can see it, right?

A shot of Barbie’s feet outside the car, in an earth tone-pink pair of Birkenstocks.

You CAN transition, and you don’t have to conform to gendered stereotypes. But you CAN still like girly things if you want to! You can be butch and like pink, you can be girly but like sports! And on and on. NO. FALSE. DICHOTOMIES. (that’s episode 11, if you forgot)

1:47:12 – She gives her name as “Barbara.” What her heart called her. A NAME CHANGE. Guess what people who transition do?? Receptionist: “And what are you here for today, Barbara?”

1:47:18 – Barbara: “I’m here to see my gynecologist.” GUESS WHO NEEDS A GYNECOLOGIST? Is it… people with vaginas??? Remember what Barbie said she DIDN’T have when she first got to the real world? And so now she clearly must have? Look how happy it makes her.

Barbie, in her brown blazer, with a huge smile in the doctor’s office.

I don’t know how much clearer you can be that this is a SOCIAL AND MEDICAL TRANSITION. And don’t mistake this as saying you need bottom surgery to be trans, but this is metaphor and a change like this conveys a transition perfectly.

And of course it’s not really that fast, but this is allegory, and a movie. Barbara chose to transition, and is now finally living as her true self, entirely free of Ken.

Both due to its many visual and thematic references to THE MATRIX, and through the genius of its own creators constructing something truly unique that meant a whole lot to a whole lot of people (cis and trans alike), BARBIE is a story of transition….

Out of the misogynistic expectations leveled on every woman, and out of the transphobic expectations leveled on every human. It is a story of self-actualization, of self-realization, of acceptance of truth and rejection of the lies society oppresses us with.

And it did it with idiosyncratic style, so very much genuine humor and heart, and a deep love and belief in every single person society’s shoved into a box they never belonged in. It, very specifically, says all women are women. ALL women. Trans women too.

This is why it left so many trans women, myself included, in tears. Because not only did it say that we ARE women and belong with the rest of the women, but that OUR journey is important and maybe different, but no less valid. Barbie’s story is our story.

You, too, can break out of that box and fly free. 

You can shed gendered expectations. 

You can be WHOEVER you want to be, whoever you TRULY are.

Hi, Barbie! You are Kenough.

Tilly Bridges, end transmission.

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